Picked according to your intention...AFRICAN Spiritual Waistbeads "GET WAISTED"

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Picked according to your intention...AFRICAN Spiritual Waistbeads "GET WAISTED"

Tie on

(No stretch / No elastic)

Hand made in Africa

Uses of Waist beads đź‘‘Cultural and Spiritual Reasons đź‘‘Waist beads as ornaments as well as for symbolic adornment, đź‘‘ which serves as a sign of wealth, femininity or aristocracy, as well as spiritual well-being. đź‘‘ Weight-loss Management

Customized individually to meet your intention. After purchase, must send email to [email protected] for consultation.

My blessed waist beads are not just for fashion, it is to connect with you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

These beads are not meant to come off

When it comes to the evolution of my beads I am referred to as highly spiritual. When the beads, stones, shells and other variety of beads that are to go on the waist are picked and placed, everything is done with a specific intention.

Fits up to a 2x

Directions: place beads around desired waist area, then tie into a knot, cut the excess string, the remainder of beads can be used for your liking.